Logging Utilities

Enumeration defining severity of an error.
Base class for all LogSinks to be used with Log, derived classes must define message(LogLevel level, std::string string).
LogSink constructor, requires a name.
Virtual destructor, available to make inheritance safe.
Pure virtual function which derived classes must define to write the message.
Gets name of the sink.
Pointer to a log sink, used since LogSink is abstract and will always be accessed via a pointer.
LogSink to be used with Log for simple console output.
LogSink to be used with Log for simple text file output.
LogSink to be used with Log for simple HTML output.


Enumeration defining severity of an error.


LOG_NOTEA note, highest priority so that they are always printed, not used for errors, only for temporary notes.
LOG_VERBOSEVerbose warning, lowest priority.
LOG_WARNINGA warning, used for non critical failures.
LOG_ERRORNormal error, used for potential serious failures.
LOG_CRITICALCritical error, used for failures which are threats to stability.


Base class for all LogSinks to be used with Log, derived classes must define message(LogLevel level, std::string string).  A LogSink recieves any messages passed to the log it’s registered with.


ConsoleSink TextSink HTMLSink

LogSink constructor, requires a name.
Virtual destructor, available to make inheritance safe.
Pure virtual function which derived classes must define to write the message.
Gets name of the sink.
Pointer to a log sink, used since LogSink is abstract and will always be accessed via a pointer.

(Con/ De)structors


LogSink(const std::string &name)

LogSink constructor, requires a name.


name_Name of LogSink, every LogSink should have a unique name.


virtual ~LogSink()

Virtual destructor, available to make inheritance safe.



virtual void writeMessage(LogLevel level,
const std::string &msg)=0

Pure virtual function which derived classes must define to write the message.


levelLogLevel of log event.
msgString describing log message.



std::string getName() const

Gets name of the sink.


Name of the LogSink.


Pointer to a log sink, used since LogSink is abstract and will always be accessed via a pointer.


LogSink to be used with Log for simple console output.

See Also

TextSink, HTMLSink




LogSink to be used with Log for simple text file output.

See Also

ConsoleSink, HTMLSink




LogSink to be used with Log for simple HTML output.

See Also

TextSink, ConsoleSink



Log class for photon, Log passes all messages to any attached LogSinks, which can then take care of any output which is desired.
LogSink(const std::string &name)
LogSink constructor, requires a name.
virtual ~LogSink()
Virtual destructor, available to make inheritance safe.
virtual void writeMessage(LogLevel level,
const std::string &msg)=0
Pure virtual function which derived classes must define to write the message.
std::string getName() const
Gets name of the sink.
Base class for all LogSinks to be used with Log, derived classes must define message(LogLevel level, std::string string).
LogSink to be used with Log for simple console output.
LogSink to be used with Log for simple text file output.
LogSink to be used with Log for simple HTML output.
Enumeration defining severity of an error.